The role of a mother is exceptional and extraordinary, but it has become difficult for mothers to complete many tasks while also finding time for themselves and other activities. In this article, we have captured about 35 timesaving tips for busy moms to manage their time effectively so they can complete all of their tasks and still have time for themselves.

1. Wake up early.
An early start helps you start energy for the day’s activities. It keeps you focused on what you would want to achieve for the day. Waking up early enough gives you some personal free time which could help you achieve some personal goals for yourself such as reading a book, exercising, etc.
2. Create a To-do List
Creating a to-do list daily would help you know exactly what to do at every point, without being confused or taken unawares. It gives a sense of orderliness.
3. Assign Responsibilities To Members Of Your House.
When you assign house chores to the members of your house such as your partner or children, it reduces by a large extent the workload on you, the mom.
4. Have a Structured Schedule/Routine For Your Household.
Setting up a schedule/routine for your household helps with orderliness because everyone knows exactly what to do and at what point to do it.
5. Planning and Preparing Your Meals On Time.
Planning and preparing your meals for the family is one way of saving a lot of time for busy moms. Busy moms should be able to plan and prepare meals weekly or monthly meals in batches to ease off cooking stress.
6. Efficient Cooking Utensils.
As a busy mom, while preparing meals, make use of efficient cooking utensils such as instant pots and slow cookers. These utensils are excellent for saving time while prepping meals in the kitchen.
7. Allocate Specific Areas For Items in Your Home.
This helps you know the exact spot your items are being kept so that your house is not scattered when trying to look for a particular item.
8. Bulk Shopping.
Shopping for important needs at home is a good tip that helps busy moms, especially when they shop in bulk. Shopping extensively saves busy moms the stress of having to go to the market or grocery stores always to get needed items. Also, busy moms should embrace the use of online stores when the need arises, so as to get their groceries delivered to them easily.
9. Always Have a Shopping List Handy.
A shopping list helps you stay in check with things that are out of stock in the house. Busy moms should always have a list of things that are lacking at home, this will make her be aware and not lose track or forget the exact items she needs when next she is going shopping.
10. Make Use of Alarms and Timers
This strategy helps to keep you in check and also not to lose track of time, especially for tasks that are quite time-consuming.
11. Stay Organized By Using Calendars
Using calendars either digital or physical in order to help to set up dates for different events, deadlines, and appointments.
12. Multitask Where Possible!
If you can, please multitask. For example, listening to a podcast or audiobook whilst exercising or performing a chore.
13. Simple Wardrobe
Have easy-to-wear and simple outfits in your wardrobe, for you and your kids. This act will save you the time and stress of searching for outfits for different occasions.
14. Maintain Easy-to-do Hairstyles.
Easy-to-do hairstyles are best for busy moms because they require little or no styling and maintenance. Hairstyles such as ponytails should be considered.
15. Make Transport Arrangements for your Kids to School.
This can be done by speaking and agreeing with parents in your neighbourhood or alternatively telling the school your kids attend to arrange and provide buses to take your children to and from school.
16. Prioritize Personal Time and Self-care.
Designate specific times to tend to your personal needs and overall well-being in order to avoid burnout. Also, make out time for relaxation and self-care in order to rejuvenate and get back on track for new activities.
17. Allocate Specific Times for Emails and Messaging.
Set specific times to respond to emails and messages, so as not to be distracted during work hours.
18. Avoid over-committing.
Learn to give appropriate answers where needed like yes, if you can or no, if you won’t be able to get the job done.
19. Create a Workspace and Study Area.
Create a workspace and study area for you and your kids respectively. This helps to improve productivity and eliminates distractions. For your kids, it helps improves their ability to learn if the environment is conducive enough and favourable.
20. Seek Resources Online.
Whenever you need to learn a new skill, seek guidance or probably assist your children in their homework, go online and source for materials, as there are numerous helpful materials to cater to your needs.
21. Plan Your Errands.
As a busy mom, your errands should be planned strategically. This can save you enough time to engage in other activities.
22. Driving Services for Swift Errands.
Make use of driving services to make your errands swift and stress-free.
23. Focus on The Most Important Tasks.
Start your day by focusing on your tasks from the most important ones.
24. Hire Staff When Needed.
As a busy mom, you won’t be able to do a lot of things on your own, so it’s easier and better to hire staff to be able to assist in tasks such as grocery deliveries etc.
25. Make Use of Voice Assistants.
Being able to use voice assistants such as Amazon Alexa and the like to be able to manage appointments and tasks.
26. Accept Help From Friends and Families.
Learn how to accept offers from friends, family, and neighbors, this will help ease stress from your end as a busy mom.
27. Maximize Downtime.
In cases where you’re waiting for your doctor’s appointment or waiting for your deliveries to come through, you can maximize your time by reading a book or completing a task in between.
28. Support Networks.
Busy moms should be encouraged to join parenting communities, consisting of other moms to be able to establish networks.
29. Make Use of Easy Cleaning Solutions.
Your environment should always be neat, tidy, and free of germs, this is why you should always have cleaning solutions handy to take care of cases like this in areas like your bathrooms and kitchen.
30. Choose Specific Laundry Days.
Choose specific days for your laundry, in order to reduce the task of laundry.
31. Always Get a Well-Packed Bag.
This bag should always be ready for any eventuality just in case an appointment pops up. This grab-and-go bag should contain things like wipes, a change of clothes, snacks etc.
32. Take Advantage of Time-Saving Apps.
As a busy mom, these apps should be explored because they would help to manage various aspects of your life such as your finances, tasks and activities.
33. Plan Activities and Outings With Other Moms.
Map out time to go out and have some fun time with other moms in your social circle or environment.
34. Techniques On Management.
Busy moms should learn time management skills, such as setting up tasks and activities and prioritizing them.
35. Prioritize Family Time.
After an eventful day, with many activities. Family time should be taken seriously and observed. In order to bond and share experiences of the day with your family.
In conclusion, busy moms should put all the tips given here into consideration and into action, so as to maximize their time effectively to carry out different tasks efficiently.